Ella Gardner exhibit at Steenbock Gallery through March 12, 2016

The Wisconsin Regional Arts Association has just announced the current exhibit of Ella Gardner’s paintings, at the Steenbock Gallery at the Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts and Letters in Madison, Wisconsin:
We hope you will join us for the exhibit reception on Saturday, February 27, 2016. The exhibit will remain up until March 12.
Ella Amelia Gardner Paintings
Featuring artworks from her Amish and Rural Life Series
On view until March 12, 2016
Weekdays during business hours
at the
Steenbock Gallery
1922 University Avenue
Join us for an exhibition reception
Saturday, February 27, 2016
12:00-2:00 PM
WRAP website: http://www.wisconsinregionalarts.org
WRAP Blog Post:http://www.wisconsinregionalarts.org/blog/paintings-of-ella-amelia-gardner-at-the-steenbock-gallery